When you take an image of a credit card receipt, select "Company's credit card" as the payment method, which moves the receipt to the right category, from where you can easily connect it later to the credit bill.
When the invoice or the related account transaction arrives, you can add multiple pages to the credit card payments by clicking the "Add page" button.
Link all receipts for payments made with the company's credit card to the credit card payment when the invoice arrives. Click "Attach to credit card invoice".
In the filter at the bottom of the page, select Show: Receipts and Payment method: Company's credit card to show all (unprocessed) receipts that have company's credit card as their payment method, which allows you to join them all together easily.
You must select "Ask the accountant to review the expense", because often, purchases on an invoice belong to several different expense types.
As an entrepreneur, you are required to specify an expense type for each receipt and/or clarify the purchase. Often, receipts do not clearly indicate what has been bought and for what purpose, which is why the specification must be written in the message field or, for example, in the image before adding it to the software.
You can also add a receipt directly to the credit bill. From the Payments view open the credit bill in question and then select Upload a new receipt. It's also possible to add a receipt afterwards from the Account transactions view.
If you have any questions, please contact our customer service by using the contact form or calling 020 7879 840. Our customer service is open from Monday to Thursday at 8.30 a.m.–4.00 p.m. and on Fridays at 8.30 a.m.–2.00 p.m. (we handle contacts until 4.00 p.m.).