Corporate bank statements and payment functions require opening a bank articulation for your company account. The implementation of payment transaction automation requires the bank account owner to authorize the Procountor service, which acts as the Solo backend system, to perform the data transfer functions required by payment transactions.
Enable the bank statement handling and payment transaction functions by filling out the bank connection authorization form and submitting it to your bank, which will activate the services specified in the authorization form.
Please note that some banks (such as Nordea) may require signing the document electronically with strong authentication in the online bank after submitting the bank connection authorization form with the company’s information in order to activate the requested bank statement and payment transactions services.
Your bank account should be a company account if you want to use it in Procountor Solo.
We recommend submitting the authorization with your accounting office or having your accounting office submit it for you.
This page contains the bank-specific bank connection authorization forms and instructions for filling out the form. Please note, that Holvi's business account can not be added to the Procountor Solo.
Forms in pdf format
Forms in English can be found here.
General advice on filling out the bank connection authorization form
Each bank uses its own bank connection authorization form.
Fill out the form with the necessary information. Some fields of the authorization form are already filled out. Deliver the signed authorization form to your bank’s office or the e-mail address specified in the authorization. You can withdraw the authorization by contacting your bank.
When the bank connection authorization is submitted, the bank will make a separate contract with the customer. Additional information about this is available from the bank.
Information to be filled out:
Our company/corporation
- Enter the company’s/corporation’s name, code and banking details here. The account number is given in the IBAN/BIC format.
The payment transactions services to open
- Select the services you wish to use through Procountor. The mandatory services are selected by default. SEPA bank transfer/C2B payment contract enables sending payments and receiving their feedback data.
- Incoming reference payments/reference service contract enable receiving reference payments.
- Bank statement as line transfer enables receiving bank statements in the program.
The periodicity of the bank statement service
- Specify how often you want to receive the bank statement data from the bank in the periodicity section. We recommend retrieving the data at least once per week, which is a good and economical choice. Retrieving the bank statements daily ensures they are always up to date, but banks charge extra for this service.
- If you cannot find a suitable option on the form, please contact your bank.
- Banks charge the payment transactions and bank statement service fees directly from the customers, in accordance with their own price lists. The price of the bank statement service depends on how often the bank statement data is updated in the service.
E-invoice agreements to be opened
- Do not check any of the boxes in this section, as Solo will serve as your e-invoice service, which means that we will give you an electronic invoice address and you can send your sales invoices directly from our service.
We authorize our bank to open the aforementioned services starting on xxx
- Enter here the start date of the selected data transfers operations through Procountor. This is also the date when they will be visible in Solo.
- Enter here the contact information for the bank to send the customer identifier, i.e., the authorizations you have granted.