This article contains instructions for transferring existing customers and products from Procountor Financials to Procountor Solo.
You can transfer the customer register and product register you have saved in Procountor Financials to Procountor Solo as a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file. In these instructions, the files are edited in Excel, but you can use any other spreadsheet application, such as OpenOffice.
Transferring the customer register
You can save your customer register data from Procountor using the Business partner report. The Business partner report can be found in Reports > Register reports > Business partner report.
Below are instructions for transferring a customer register in CSV format from Procountor to Solo:
- Go to the business partner report view in Procountor (Reports > Register reports > Business partner report).
- Select Customers as the business partner type. Specify the search criteria for retrieving business partners to the report. Include the following data from the Register info section (Click the magnifying glass to expand the selection window for easier selection):
- name
- department
- contact person
- code
- customer number
- street address
- billing address
- e-mail address
- mobile phone
- electronic invoice address
- language
- default VAT %
- After selecting this data for the report, click the "Continue" button. After this, click the "Search business partners" button to create a Business partners report that matches your search criteria. To open the report with Excel, right-click the report and select Export Excel.
- Download the Solo CSV file here. Extract data from the different fields of the Procountor business partner report to the corresponding Excels cells in the Solo CSV file. After transferring the data, save the Solo file on your computer in the CSV format.
Example of a Solo CSV file.
- In order to export the data to Solo, the file must correspond to these field exactly.
- Remember to edit the country code of the country field, for example, FI, SE, etc. The country code is entered in lower case in the language field.
- Do not open the saved CSV file before uploading it to Solo. Opening the file might change the file format.
- More detailed instructions on which data and fields the CSV file should contain are here.
Solo customer register record description
The Solo record description includes the following information for each field, organized by record type:
- No.: the field’s number
- Excel cell: the field’s column in the Excel spreadsheet
- Field name/Data item: description of the data
- Obligatoriness: X = mandatory data, (X) = mandatory depending on the circumstances, empty = optional
- Permitted values/Verification: permitted values; whether the validity of the data will be checked
- Additional information: other important information about the field
The image above is an example with three importable customers.
Exporting Customer register data to Solo
- Go to Contacts > Show contacts in Solo
- Click the "Tools" button in the upper right corner and select "Import contacts from a CSV file"
- Click the "Select file" button and find the business partner CSV file you saved earlier
- The imported contact list opens in the preview view where you can preview the contacts that will be imported. The contacts are imported to the program when you click "Import contacts". If the importing of a contact fails, the program will show an error notification.
Transferring the product register
You can retrieve product register data from Procountor by running a Product register report under Reports > Register reports > Product register report.
- First, select the relevant search result fields and restrictions in the search criteria
- Include the following fields (Click the magnifying glass to expand the selection window for easier selection):
- Name
- Product code
- Unit
- Price
- VAT %
- Click the "Show product register report" button. To open the report with Excel, right-click the report and select Export Excel.
- Edit the Excel report to match the Solo CSV file. Alternatively, you can download the Solo CSV -file here and copy the data from the Procountor product register report one cell at a time to the corresponding Excel cells of the Solo CSV file. In order to export the data to Solo, the file must correspond to these field exactly. Save the file in the CSV format.
- More detailed instructions for importing products to Solo are available here
Exporting Product register data to Solo:
- Go to "Products" in Solo.
- Click the "Tools" button in the upper right corner and select "Import products from a CSV file".
- Click the "Select file" button and find the product register CSV file you saved earlier.
- Click the "Import products" button to transfer the products to the product register in Solo.