You can send your invoice in your customer's preferred language. You can select the language automatically, which means that all the invoices of a specific customer have the same language. Alternatively, you can select the invoice language when you are sending the invoice. All the languages supported by Solo are available for you to select.
If you have a customer who wants their invoices in a different language than your default invoicing language, you can adjust the invoice language setting on the customer's contact card. After this, all new invoices to the customer in question follow the language setting.
Changing the customer-specific invoice language:
- Open the customer's contact card
- Click "Edit contact".
- Click the "Invoice language" field and select the language from the menu.
Please note that changing this setting does not change the language of previous invoices.
You can always change the invoice language at the invoicing stage:
- Complete the invoice
- Click "Preview and send invoice"
- Select invoice language on the top of the invoice preview