We recommend asking the address directly from the recipient, but you can also search for addresses in a public database.
Usually the best (and most up-to-date) source of information is the recipient, which is why we recommend asking the invoice address directly from them. However, if you do not want to, for example, disturb the recipient, you can search for the address is in TIEKE's electronic invoice address database
Large organizations usually publish the electronic invoice addresses on their websites, as well.
Electronic invoice addresses can be formed on the basis of an EDI, IBAN or web services ID.
The most common electronic invoice address formats:
- 003712345678
- FI2112345600000785
- TE003712345678
Note! Remember to spellcheck the electronic invoice address and operator ID before sending the invoice! Incorrect address or operator ID are among the most common reasons for failures in e-invoice sending.