Make sure that your invoices reach their recipients in April
The new Act on Electronic Invoicing took effect on April 1, 2020. The most important impact of the new act was that companies can now require that all their purchase invoices be electronic invoices. In other words, companies do not have to accept – or, consequently, pay – invoices that are not electronic invoices.
The amendment does not mean that companies must receive electronic invoices. This decision is up to the companies. However, the invoicing company must send the invoice with the method chosen by the recipient.
Companies can also require the sender to add more specific information to the invoices, such as the contract number or competitive tendering number. If the required information is missing, the invoice may be rejected. For example, Government organizations have highly specific requirements concerning invoice information.
The Procountor Solo service includes all the most important electronic invoice data fields that result from the amendment. All you need to do is to ensure that all the information required by your customer is included in the invoice.